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 SMS Premium Platform
The Premium SMS applications (metered short numbers with ask-answer configuration), as a communicative and interactive channel, are innumerable. Nevertheless, the needs of each company are different in accordance with the way in which they make their projects and integrate these services in their systems.
NUINTESA has short number of all levels at its disposal that are open to clients, thus offering a Platform which allows our clients to establish the most fitting price to each service, therefore, every client decide the metering level to apply to each service, what in the same way will determine the reversions the client must perceive on the basis of this criterion.
Besides, the reversions that we offer place in a very advantageous position our economic offer for SMS services, what allows us to transfer to all our clients this price-competitive advantage.
Every client has an personalized access in the portal of Premium SMS from where once user and password name have been logged in, clients will be capable of arranging their services as well as knowing, in actual time, the traffic and statistics of their messages. This portal has been designed to attend to our clients in different languages and it has been shaped in an intuitive way so as to ease the access. Likewise the portal allows the generation of data bases on-line accessible from the same user access.
Among the multiple applications developed for the Premium SMS Platform of NUINTESA, we have tried summing up in large sections some of the services most requested, while the flexibility of this Platform allows the creation of any kind of service based on Premium SMS according to the needs of each project, offering to our clients the most fitting solution for their business.